Have you ever wondered about the importance of #Vibrations in our universe and our lives? Or why they play such a vital importance in our interaction with others. The energy we emit—our #Vibes attract and repels people, situations and opportunities, literally shaping our relationships with others.
#StringTheory, one of the most prominent models for explaining the basic structure of the universe, suggests that vibrating strings are the fundamental building blocks of the cosmos. At the subatomic level, these pulsating strings produce particles that give rise to all matter. Even though we do not see these pulsating quanta of energy, they interact with us continuously, affecting our mood, our vitality and our overall life experience.
I am so excited to share my interview with Dr. Garret Yount, author of #WhyVibesMatter on Have You Ever Wondered? to discuss the fascinating role that vibrations play in our universe and in our everyday lives.
#GarretYount shares his clairvoyant experiences as a child and how he melded those with his PhD in molecular biology which led to his joining the team of scientists at the Institute of Noetic Scientists (IONS). #IONS, Dr. Yount and the entire team of scientists is at the forefront of consciousness research. The mission of the Institute of Noetic Sciences is to reveal the interconnected nature of reality through scientific exploration and personal discovery.
On his way back to Earth after his pioneering moonwalk, Apollo 14 astronaut and IONS founder Dr. Edgar Mitchell had the profound experience of feeling interconnected to everything he was observing from the window of his space capsule: the stars, the moon, our blue planet, and the vastness of the cosmos. He realized quickly that in order to explain such an extraordinary experience (and others like it), there would need to be a rapprochement between the scientific and spiritual interpretations of reality.
As a scientist and visionary, Dr. Mitchell saw a need to reconcile his training as an engineer and astrophysicist with the wisdom of the ages to transcend the limitations of what he saw as an outdated materialist worldview. A new framework would be needed: one that could help explain the unexplainable—and spark transformation. He called this framework #N
“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence”—Nikola Tesla
I am so excited to have Garret on my podcast! Garret and the team of scientists at IONS are assuredly at the forefront of the science, often mysterious and elusive, of the interconnectedness which unites us all and its power to enhance our lives.
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